Sunday, August 10, 2008

Flip Flop Cake

My friend and I worked together to create a flip flop cake for a friend's birthday.
Our frosting was droopy (I think from the warm weather and humidity) my boarder was not crisp and my flower looked more like a mere dollop of frosting, I rescued the flower by adding some almonds to look like pedals. The straps are fruit roll-ups.
We traced a shoe on paper to use as a template. (marked the top so it wouldn't touch our cake) When we cut out the "shoes" there was a little cake left over. My friend had the great idea to use up the left over cake pieces as "sand" we pulverized the crumbs in a food processor, I think it looked great.



Anonymous said...

I love it! So stinkin' cute! What did your friend think?

Jamie said...

Turned out really cute!

Carol said...

What a FUN cake! =)

Everyday is a new day said...

totally awesome!! Hey i want to send you some books so let me know if you have any so i don't send you the same one. love ya